Hello All!
As the state slowly opened up and restrictions were eased, we slowly were able to get back to shooting with our clients :)
Our very first session back gave us the pleasure of working with Kekai and Bronson. You may remember them from our engagement session with them a while back. Seeing Kekai holding Brixon in her tummy was so cute! This was their maternity session with us after all. The funny thing is, we weren’t sure if a session was even possible. Luckily once the state eased up a bit on their restrictions and closures, we were able to get their session in. Crazy thing is… Brixon was born not too long after! This session was a surprise from Kai to the world, just as Brixon decided to make his own surprise and enter the world earlier than expected! Now that he is here, here is a look into our session! Welcome to the world Brixon Kepa! Enjoy all!