
COVID19 Kind Things

Hello All!

As you all know, 2020 has been interesting. We are about 1 month and some days into the HI stay at home order in lieu of the COVID19 pandemic. Honestly, if you folks are going crazy, i don’t blame you. Jokes aside, this pandemic has affected us all. We need to remember that we are doing this for our own good. Some agree with the extensions of the order, others don’t. We agree to disagree. Just a reminder that we are all in this together!

There is a plus to this… We are less exposed to the virus (obviously -_-* lol), and being at home allows us to spend more time with our families. We even get to work our backlog in between hehe.

With that said, it breaks my heart that we weren’t able to work with some seniors for their portraits, but we are glad they are still wanting to do them when this is all over. All in all, hoping this blows over soon. Hope you are all well and staying safe :)

